learning - design - delivery
Training That Works for You

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Meet Karen
"I'm the person who is going to make you think differently."
Karen’s passion and expertise are in the field of creativity, conflict resolution and communication behaviour. When we understand the motivation that drives a behaviour, we can improve the way we interact, build stronger relationships, and create powerful and efficient teams. By offering creative alternative strategies to problematic behaviours and communication styles, she has helped many organizations improve their bottom-line.
She offers a wide range of corporate training workshops to diverse organizations of all sizes. Workshops can be delivered both in-person and online.
She's ready to help you transform your team in three instrumental areas:
Conflict Resolution

Through her many years of experience in leadership and training roles, combined with her education in Adult Education, Karen has developed a unique teaching method that she calls The Minty Method of Learning. It is a combination of the most effective teaching strategies and practical learning theories.
But you don't need to worry about the 'how' (leave that up to Karen), just relax and focus on the 'wow' as you learn to approach problems in new creative ways. Each workshop is results-oriented and filled with thought-provoking perspectives, immediately implementable behaviour changes, and of course LOTS of LAUGHS along the way.
To read more about Karen, click here
I'm often asked what the benefits are of hiring an outside trainer versus having someone in your organization present the training. There are many pros and cons to consider depending on your situation, but I've provided what I feel are the top 5 ways I can help you and your organization.

Access to Expertise
I am a Certified Specialist in Human Behaviour, utilizing both the DISC and TRIMA
models to help people understand themselves and others' behaviours. I am also
well-versed in the most effective models and success strategies in my area of expertise.
More Effective Training Methods
I have both a Bachelor and Master's degree in Adult Learning and training IS my specialty. I have created The Minty Method of Learning; a unique combination of the most effective learning strategies for adults that are results-driven AND fun! It's a common misconception that learning should be serious, but I'm here to show you that when learning is active and fun, new content is better remembered and more likely to be implemented into the workplace.
Time and Cost Management
How much time and money (wages) would it cost for an internal employee to extensively research a topic, glean the most relevant information, organize it, develop the curriculum, create the training materials and figure out the best way to deliver it? All while doing their regular job! Keep your time and budget on track by hiring someone who already has a proven track record in delivering effective training sessions and is just waiting to deliver to your team!
New Perspective and Set of Eyes
There is always more than one way to solve a problem, and I love introducing new creative and innovative techniques to struggling organizations. Through a keen awareness of the energy in the room, thought-provoking questions, and of course a sense of humour, I can break through old latitudinous problems and difficult personality dynamics to offer a fresh perspective to help move your organization forward.
Change of Venue
Everyone likes a change of scenery from the normal demands of the job.
In-person and online workshops with everyone together can provide a
relaxing environment which improves learning retention. When we take a
break from our usual environment, we're able to let our guard down, have fun
and be more open to new concepts and strategies.

~ workshops that work for you ~
Why Hire an External Trainer?
Delivered to Meet your Needs
All my training programs can be delivered in person, online, or a combination of both to meet your individual and organization's unique needs.